July 27, 2024

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NFL’s Chandler Jones ‘Forced’ Into Hospital, ‘Injected With Unknown Substance’

NFL’s Chandler Jones ‘Forced’ Into Hospital, ‘Injected With Unknown Substance’

Las Vegas Raiders player Chandler Jones is claiming he was forced into a mental health hospital last week and “injected” with a foreign substance.

Chandler Jones Spills In Journal Entry

Twitter | Chandler Jones

The NFL player shared a photo of his handwritten journal entry to his X page.

“First day out, if my fans and friends were wondering, I was taken in by the Las Vegas fire department last week against my will,” he began writing in his journal entry. “I was injected with (I don’t know what). They said that it was a court hold and the Las Vegas Police put me on it.”

He continued to write, “I haven’t done anything wrong. The police said people were concerned about me because of my posts online.”

The Las Vegas Raider then explained how he was “forced” to go to the hospital, explaining he “answered my front door and a group of 5 to 7 were there to put me in an ambulance where I was later injected and I asked them not to”.

“I had no cell phone or no communication,” he continued before adding, “I was taken to Southern Hills hospital and then transported to Seven Hills where they tried to force me to take meds and injections.”

Chandler Jones Says He Called Raiders General Manager

NFL's Chandler Jones 'Forced' Into Hospital, 'Injected With Unknown Substance'
Instagram | Chandler Jones

In a second photo, which showed the continued handwritten journal entry, Jones claims he called the Las Vegas Raiders General Manager, David Ziegler, “six to seven times asking for help”, wondering if he was the reason he was “forced” into the mental health institute, however, he “never answered”.

“I even left him voicemails,” Jones wrote. “I was just trying to figure out why I’m not allowed in the building still and why do I have to continue to watch my brothers suffer every Sunday,” referring to his teammates losing NFL games. “But no answer,” he added.

The Las Vegas Raiders player continued to write, “This place (Healthy Heros) is NOT a place for high-profile athletes. My first night. I slept on the floor and was not offered a bed. My brothers need to bring me decent meals to eat and clothes.”

“My dad comes and reads me Bible verses,” he wrote before adding, “Every game that I miss is 1 million $. I’m still confused on what I did wrong. I’m still here. I’m very sane.”

“I work out in my room every day. Even down the hallway at 3 am if you ask the staff here. All I know is whoever put me in here had bad intentions. I’m to strong of a person to be mentally broken. For all of my friends that know me.. THEY KNOW!,” he concluded.

Jones has not played for the Las Vegas Raiders yet this season after he was placed on the non-football illness list following a social media rant earlier this month. Las Vegas Raiders head coach Josh McDaniels has called the matter “personal” and “private.”

Chandler Jones first joined the Las Vegas Raiders last season after signing a 3-year, $51 million contract.

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